About Us

Unionization in Higher Education
From UMass Amherst in 2002 to Grinnell College in 2022, student workers across the country have been forming labor unions for decades.
Our union is part of the explosive growth in higher education organizing after student workers at 130+ colleges won unions and big improvements to their working conditions.
Unionization means democracy in the workplace and a real say over workplace conditions. When workers unionize workers win!
Other student workers have won:

- Right to refuse unsafe work
- More control over schedules
- Protections against discrimination
- Accommodations for workers with disabilities
- Transparent, fair discipline
- Sick leave and bereavement leave
- Clear job descriptions
- Emergency relief funds, including for international student workers
What would you want to make better at Berea College?
Our Vision

- To build an independent and democratic organization of student workers to support one another and improve our working conditions.
- To negotiate a contract that ensures every student worker has the support and resources they need to thrive, not just survive, at Berea.
- To achieve autonomy, dignity, and respect for every Berea College student worker.
History of Our Union
Fall 2022: A small group of student workers started to talk about what it would mean to unionize. We knew that together student workers could make positive change in the workplace. So, we decided to come together and unionize.
2022-2024: We grew our campaign by bringing hundreds of our coworkers into the organizing work. We went public with a majority of student workers in support!
Fall 2024: Our union is in the process of winning legal recognition. The next step is a union election. When you vote yes for your union, you're saying that you want you and your coworkers to be able to make decisions about your working conditions with the college administration.
Our Stories

"I joined this campaign recently, but it is so exciting to be a part of what is, in many ways, the next generation of organized labor. We’re all learning essential skills by unionizing for better conditions that will be applicable long after graduation." —Kayla, TA
"Joining our union was inspired by hearing countless stories similar to mine. Witnessing my peers facing challenges of being undertrained, overworked, and unsafe in their labor positions fueled my determination to come together with other workers." —Evy, TA
"Students deserve an equal voice in the decisions that affect us. No decisions about us, without us! A union means stronger advocacy, better working conditions, and a more inclusive community for all of us." —Abraham, SGA
"I want to support workers and build a better future." —Derek, Marketing
“I have always been a big believer that Berea College is so great because of its students, and I stand by that a lot. I really do believe in the ability of students to have a say in what the college does because I believe we actually know what we are talking about when we talk about issues on campus.” —Hannah, CELTS
“I along with many others have tried to resolve issues through the channels provided to us to no avail. So I believe that collective bargaining is the best way forward.” —Suneil, Library
“I want mutual respect among student workers and staff members at Berea College. I want to be part of a community where we work together to fix power imbalances at the college and improve working conditions for student workers.” —Lindsay, TA
“We should get fully compensated for labor hours missed due to illness beyond our control.” —Isabel, Woodworker
Common Questions

Q. Why do we need a union?
“Through collective discussion with our fellow workers, we have identified a variety of challenges facing student workers at Berea. These include problems related to a lack of agency in the workplace, few outlets for voicing our concerns, and health and safety. Our union gives us all a voice in the decisions that affect our workplace. What would you bargain for?”— Chesnie, TA
Q. How does a union work, anyway?
“We are building a democratic union. Once we unionize, a committee of workers, along with a union rep, sits down with the administration to bargain a contract on such issues as pay, benefits, and working conditions. Once a deal is reached, members of our union vote it up or down.”— Ameer, Woodworker
Q: When do we start paying dues, and how much are they?
“No one pays a penny in dues until we all bargain a union contract. When we have a union contract we are satisfied with, and only after we vote ‘yes’ for that contract, then dues kick in. Dues are only $1.30 per hundred dollars you earn. Dues paid by members are the only source of funding for our union, and create the infrastructure needed to fight for better working conditions.” — Maggie, Heart
Q. Are workers paid through a grant able to unionize?
“Yes! Student workers who receive non-traditional payment for their work have unionized. For example, the Dartmouth Men’s basketball team was compensated through equipment, tickets, and lodging, and numerous resident assistants are paid in housing and meal vouchers.”— Lola, TA
Q. Will I face consequences for joining a union?
“All of us have a legal right as student workers to unionize, and hundreds of us have been involved in our union for the past two years without any issues. Across the US, thousands of student workers from Yale to Grinnell College have formed unions and won life-changing improvements to their working conditions.” — James, VEPAC
Q: I’m worried about tuition or term bills increasing because of our union.
“The truth is that you and your coworkers will elect a democratic bargaining committee of your peers to negotiate a fair contract with the college administration, and then what they agree on will go to all of you as union members to vote to approve or send back to the bargaining table. Would you vote for a contract that leaves you worse off or hurts Berea?” — Utsa, CELTS
Building Our Union Together
We are our union! Our power to create change comes from the actions we take together, large and small. We can make our workplaces better when we're united and stay involved with our union.

Ways to strengthen our union
- Wear red on Thursdays and pins and wristbands every day
- Share this book with a friend
- Invite a friend to a union event
- Sign your union card and the mission statement
How to get more involved
Our union is all of us! The more of us get involved, the better our union will represent and support everyone. If you’re interested in learning more about how you can help, here’s how:
- Talk to someone you know who is already involved in the campaign
- Ask at a table or union event
- Reach out to our campaign email at Berea@ucw-cwa.org