Kentucky political leaders want to hear from us about our union! 🔥

Left to right: Lily Barnette, state representative Keturah Herron, and Tatiana Alba
Fellow student workers,
Kentucky political leaders want to hear about our vision for a better workplace! Your coworkers on the organizing committee have been meeting with state legislators who are dedicated supporters of unions and worker power:
A couple weeks ago, I met with representative Keturah Herron, who represents part of Louisville. Meeting with Rep. Herron was a powerful moment for our union. We are at a point in this campaign where we need political allies who unabashedly support workers’ rights, our rights, and who will stand with us and apply pressure to Berea’s administration.
Meeting with Rep. Herron displayed the power we have as united student workers and reminded me of the power ordinary people have when they come together. As Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
–Tatiana Alba, Class of 2027, Peer Health Education Programmer, HEART
Left to right: Elise Creekmore and Abraham Garcia-Romero with state senator Gerald Neal; Justin Winzer and Simon Drake with state representative Al Gentry; Iris Gibson and Maggie Neal with Lauren Hines, candidate for District 5 state representative
The next time we meet with legislators, will you join us? Reply to this email to get involved with your union’s organizing committee! And commit to voting yes in your union election by signing the I’m Voting Yes pledge.
In solidarity,
The United Student Workers of Berea-CWA Organizing Committee