No delaying our union election

Hey all,
We want to update you on the latest development with the college and our union election. We’re really disappointed in this response from President Nixon and the Board of Trustees. Instead of agreeing to a democratic election, Berea plans to file a motion this week at the National Labor Relations Board to delay the election indefinitely. We have the right to form a union in this country -- and it's upsetting that the president and the Board of Trustees would try to prevent us from exercising this democratic right.
We believe we will prevail at the National Labor Relations Board. This is simply the college using disappointing delay tactics. Over 25,480 undergraduate student workers at 20 colleges and universities have voted to unionize in 2023! We are disappointed that the administration is choosing to try to prevent an election rather than embrace the moment! We hope they change course. But either way, we will win our union, and Berea will be even better for it!
Our positive vision remains our focus. Berea College Works Because We Do! Have you asked everyone you know to join you in signing a union card and the Mission Statement? Will you text your closest friends tonight and ask them? Let’s stick to the plan and get to the strongest, public majority possible! Our vision is one of collaboration and empowerment, where every student worker has the support and resources we need to thrive, not just survive, at Berea College.
There are so many ways to show our power.
- Wear a red union wristband every day! Don’t have one? Hit us up at or 513-608-6105.
- Tomorrow is WEAR RED THURSDAY - wear a red shirt! Let’s see a sea of red out there that will grow bigger each Thursday!
- Have you asked your friends and family to sign our Community Support Petition? Will you text them the link now?
- Commit to attending our Town Hall event next Tuesday, March 26th at 6pm at the Russel Acton Folk Center by RSVPing here!
On behalf of the United Student Workers of Berea-CWA Organizing Committee,
Rhea Clayton, 2nd year, People Who Care Team member, CELTS
Chesnie Barnes, 2nd year, Teaching Assistant, General Education