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Union Town Hall

Fellow student workers,

We had an amazing turnout at our Welcome Social last week! It was great meeting so many first-years and growing our union!

This Friday at 6:00pm, we’ll have our first Town Hall of the semester! RSVP here and bring a friend! We’ll focus on our vision for our union: what have other student workers won when they’ve unionized? What will it take for us to win the changes we need?

As always at our events, we’ll have free food and lots of union swag (including new stickers!). Location TBD, but let us know you’re coming and we’ll text you a reminder with the location this week!

We’re continuing to grow and preparing for our union election because organizing works. Last spring, we went public with our campaign with a majority of us in support. Our solidarity mobilized faculty and staff and got media attention.

Our solidarity also put pressure on Berea's administration to respond. You might’ve heard that we’re getting more safety training and a higher hourly pay rate, and for this year, course fees will be covered to reduce the financial burden many of us face.

If this is how the administration is responding now, what could we win when we actually sit across from them at the bargaining table? What would it be like to have an equal say in any changes to the labor program—because those changes impact us the most?

Other student workers have won contracts with stronger anti-discrimination protections, the right to refuse unsafe work, emergency relief funds for international student workers ... the list goes on! When they unionized, they won a seat at the table. We can do the same thing. And we will!

We’ll see you at the Town Hall (RSVP here), and remember to sign the I’m Voting Yes pledge!

In solidarity,

Ellie Lintelman-Nader, Class of 2027, First Year Mentor, CELTS

Lindsay Mayes, Class of 2026, TA-PL, General Education

On behalf of the United Student Workers of Berea-CWA Organizing Committee