What led me to organize a union

Fellow student workers,
Hi! My name is Hannah Brown. I just finished my first year at Berea College, and I wanted to share what led me to organize to win a union.
I have always been a big believer that Berea College is so great because of its students, and I stand by that a lot. I think if we don't push Berea to improve, our college will not remain the great college I applied to. I really do believe in the ability of students to have a say in what the college does because I believe we actually know what we are talking about when we talk about issues on campus, especially when it comes to working in the workplace, because I just don't think the administration can really understand our issues. If I hated Berea College, I wouldn't be a part of the union, because it takes someone who cares about the college and its values to organize. It can be scary to confront people with more power than you. For me, it was hard just to talk with my coworkers and fellow student workers about this campaign. But I overcame that fear like many of you to make our union possible.
I’m proud of the work we have done, and that we have started a dialogue about how Berea College can be better when we come together. But the truth of the matter is it’s going to take all of us pushing to make the changes we want to see possible. Will you join me on the organizing committee to help win our campaign? Reply to this email to get involved. We meet on Zoom each Sunday night at 6pm.
SAVE THE DATE: Union Social in Berea, Thursday, July 11!
Be sure you update your mailing address over the summer with the College in case we have a mail ballot election!
On behalf of the USWB-CWA Organizing Committee,
Hannah Brown, '26, People Who Care, CELTS